• Permaculture Credit Union Turns 10 on Thursday

    Most people do not know the difference between banks and credit unions, but the gap between them is deep and wide. During these times of economic and political crisis, it is important to understand the distinction because it provides obvious solutions: One way to help save our democracy is to support the credit union of your choice. One way to help our economy is to build it up with democratically controlled financial institutions.


    Banks are to oligarchies as credit unions are to democracies. Like oligarchies, banks benefit the few. They make decisions quickly, but their goals are narrow and selfish. Like democracies, credit unions benefit the many. Decision making is often slow, but that’s because the goal is to reach acceptable compromise.


    My buddy Wesley Roe and I joined the PCU board nine years ago. I left at the end of my first term (having chaired it and hired its CEO, Donald Sarich, who is still around doing amazing work!). Wes stayed on and continued to dedicate countless hours to the slow, steady growth of what is now a very healthy financial institution. Wes credits the union’s success with the dedication of its members. “In the very few cases where people have gotten into financial trouble,” he says, “our members make such an effort to pay. Even in these hard times, there’s a real effort that shows a real dedication to the values at the core of the Permaculture Credit Union.”


    The PCU has a wealth of values (care of the earth, care of people, and reinvest surplus in the system), but it also had a valuable sense of wealth. When someone invests in solar panels, an energy efficient vehicle, or a cistern, this indicates something more than numbers on a spread sheet. It indicates a caring level of consciousness synonymous with stability. It’s a perspective on the world that commercial bankers would not typically understand.


    For more info, please ask a question here or visit www.pcuonline.org . And if you are in Santa Fe, please come down to the Santa Fe Convention Center on Thursday, May 6, from 6pm to 9pm. Gunter Pauli (www.zeri.com) is the featured speaker, and his work is as inspiring as any in the green movement.




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The final frontier.

These are the musings of an engaging enterprise.
Its thirty-year mission:

To create a greener planet.

To seek a better life in our lumbering civilization, and

to slowly go where we are all are headed anyway.


Is an unproven system for generating wide-spread sustainability.

it asks for 10 minutes a day for a year. At the end of the year, it asks for 10 more.

So in the second year, you spend just 20 minutes a day, in the third year, 30 minutes.

If you keep up this pattern, 27 years later you spend over 4 hours per day being extremely green.

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