• Friends, Clients, Colleagues Bend Me an Ear: THANKS!

    In preparing to thank every New Mexico-based person, organization, and business that had a hand in the creation of my new book "Harvest the Rain," I discovered that there are over 120 of these entities ranging from cover-art photographers Charles Mann and Jennifer Esperanza to envelope-pushing people-leaders Miguel Santistevan and Roberto Mondragon. To keep this blog post to a reasonable length, here I’ve decided to limit my thanks to a list of the locals who I did not mention in my previous post and who were also able to make it to Wednesday's book-launch party.

    In alphabetical order within each category they are:

    Reese Baker
    Consuelo Bokum
    Bette Booth
    Laura Brown
    Mark Duran
    Richard Jennings
    Jeremiah Kidd
    Tom Knoblauch
    Pamela Mang
    Greg Nussbaum
    Patty Pantano
    Doug Pushard
    Peter Wilson
    Xubi Wilson
    Rick Word
    Mary Zemach

    ORGANIZATIONS (non profit):
    Camino de Paz School and Farm
    Earthworks Institute
    Green Party of Santa Fe
    Oshara Village
    St. John’s College
    Santa Fe Community College
    Santa Fe High School
    Semi-Arid Café
    WildEarth Guardians

    BUSINESSES (for profit)
    Earthwrights Designs
    Net Zero Design
    Raincatcher, The
    Regenesis Group
    San Isidro Permaculture
    Santa Fe Permaculture

    Thanks to all who made my night such fun the other night. It was great celebrating with you among the greywater and rainwater harvesting systems tucked away in the backyard. Please know how much I appreciate all that you do for the betterment of this Earth! See ya soon, I hope!


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The final frontier.

These are the musings of an engaging enterprise.
Its thirty-year mission:

To create a greener planet.

To seek a better life in our lumbering civilization, and

to slowly go where we are all are headed anyway.


Is an unproven system for generating wide-spread sustainability.

it asks for 10 minutes a day for a year. At the end of the year, it asks for 10 more.

So in the second year, you spend just 20 minutes a day, in the third year, 30 minutes.

If you keep up this pattern, 27 years later you spend over 4 hours per day being extremely green.

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Describe your attempts At a sustainable life.