• Character Counts even when you’re a Chicken

    Earlier this evening, I went out to pour a hot tea kettle over the chickens’ waterer-turned-ice-lick, but the birds were already settling down for a long winter's nap. In the morning I’ll have to do the old cold-weather water-pour all over again because that once-scalding liquid will have concretized. I’m sure our six feathered-friends will be very enthusiastic since my last hot-water pour will have been 48 hours ago. Might I add, "It’s nice to feel wanted'?

    What? Dumb birds don't need character building?


  1. bruce McIntosh says:

    My dog has the same issue when I have to leave him out overnight. He has a covered shelter but by morning the pan of water froze. My solution was an electric watering pan that keeps the temp just above freezing.

  1. Nate Downey says:

    Even though it probably uses more power, the incandescent light serves that extra (and all-important purpose) of enouraging egg production.

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The final frontier.

These are the musings of an engaging enterprise.
Its thirty-year mission:

To create a greener planet.

To seek a better life in our lumbering civilization, and

to slowly go where we are all are headed anyway.


Is an unproven system for generating wide-spread sustainability.

it asks for 10 minutes a day for a year. At the end of the year, it asks for 10 more.

So in the second year, you spend just 20 minutes a day, in the third year, 30 minutes.

If you keep up this pattern, 27 years later you spend over 4 hours per day being extremely green.

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